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Koenigsegg Raseri Envisions Next Stage In The Evolution Of The Swedish Supercar

Koenigsegg Raseri Envisions Next Stage In The Evolution Of The Swedish Supercar

Koenigsegg leaves a lot to be impressed with. The Swedish firm's seven-figure supercars have a proven track record of exceeding our expectations of automobile performance. But equally impressive is how much life Koenigsegg has gotten out of the same building blocks.

What started out as the CC prototype has evolved over the course of the past couple of decades into the Agera we know today, and even further into the hybrid Regera – packing new technologies, ever-increasing levels of performance, and fresh styling into the same basic platform. This design aims to take it another step forward.

It's called the Koenigsegg Raseri, taking its name from the Swedish word for “rage.” It's the vision of one Mihael Merkler, from Macedonia, and it looks every bit the Koenigsegg – albeit evolved further.

Merkler's design envisions using the same 5.0-liter V8 that Koenigsegg has used all along, but instead of the supercharger installed on the earlier CC-series or the twin-turbos on the Agera, the Raseri imagines using four turbos – a setup that has worked wonders for arch-rival Bugatti.

The direction in which Christian von Koenigsegg and company take their next design will likely prove a little different. But these high-end exotics are all about dreaming (for most of us anyway), so dream we will with the renderings featured in the gallery below.
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